Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tau Lambda Update

Tau Lambda Alumnae~
As some of you may have already heard, our charter has been revoked; however the chapter has voted to appeal the decision. We still have a lot of questions regarding how to proceed and what the next steps will be. We do know this will be a long, difficult process and can use support; although at this time we don't know specifically how or what is needed.

Attached are 2 letters explaining, from Chapter Adviser Karen Weigel and from Allie Digioia the current Chapter President.

All current sisters have been given alumnae status (assuming they are in good standing). The chapter's belongings (paddles, composites, etc.) will remain secure at the house for the time being. We are asking that everyone use caution when discussing these issues, specifically to refrain from any postings on facebook since the appeal will lead to a panel "hearing". ((As we all know, much of what is posted online may become 'publicly' viewed - - for example, if you "like" AOII, then "AOII" can view your comments or discussions.))

The chapter is doing all they can to remain positive and well-composed during this time, not pointing fingers or placing blame... but rather sticking together.
We will keep you posted as we know more.

Alpha Love,
Coleen Murphy Fickes
(Alumnae Relations Adviser)

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KAREN WEIGEL - Chapter Adviser

Sorry, it took me this long to let those of you who were not able to attend yesterday know what the outcome of the meeting was. Thanks to Christi Scheel, Coleen Fickes and Heather Swartz for joining myself and the chapter. I know the rest of you were there in spirit.

Present from the fraternity were Gayle Fitzpatrick, Executive Board Vice President, Amber Countis, Network 1 Director, Jen Thompson, Network 1 Collegiate Finance Specialist and Kay Welch, Network 1 Alumnae Specialist.

The chapter charter has been revoked. As of yesterday the chapter at Shippensburg no longer exists. Each of you as an alumnae of Tau Lambda chapter should be receiving a letter in the mail within the next 2 days (they were sent on Friday) informing you of this.

Ladies, this isn't over. The chapter is planning on appealing the decision. I sent you previously a copy of the Governing Documents with specific sections indicated. The process that needs to be followed is in the following: Bylaws, Title II, Collegiate Chapters, Article XIV, Withdrawal of a Collegiate Chapter Charter. They have already selected a member to represent the chapter on the hearing panel, and the certified letter will be sent tomorrow morning.

The women are going to be meeting this evening at 7:30 at the house to come up with a formalized plan of action.

The incident that occurred in February was the catalyze for the closing of the chapter but they have stated that the closure is based not on just this one incident but on the fact that since 2007 there have been a number of incidents. I believe that it is in our best interest to be as prepared as possible to defend these charges and to separate a number of these charges from the current members of the chapter.

One thing the women may need is some financial support as they no longer have access to their chapter checking account. Also, if the chapter does ultimately close, we need reliable storage for composites and paddles for the time when the chapter is re-chartered.

If any of you know any of the details surrounding the initial incident that occurred in either the Fall of 2006 or Spring of 2007, we could use that information.

I am currently compiling e-mails/documentation/etc, that I have since I became chapter adviser and I will be putting my thoughts together. Any thing that you have that you would like to add about any thing that may have occurred at the chapter over the last 4 years would be appreciated.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ALLIE DIGIOIA - Chapter President
-----Original Message-----
From: Digioia, Alexandra []
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 2:54 PM
To: Fickes, Coleen

Hello Everyone,

First I would like to say how much I appreciate the support from our Alumni. We appreciate you reaching out and being there as our support system not just yesterday but always. We recognize and honor the hard work and efforts you have done you all have done in the past 25 years. I want to send a special thank you to Karen, Coleen, Christi, and Heather for being there with us yesterday. That meant a lot for you all to attend and stand by our sides the entire day. I just wanted to say even though the outcome of yesterday was not what we wanted, we handled ourselves and the situation very well. I appreciate the efforts and questions those of you asked nationals, they were very impressed with how serious we are about this. As of now we are expelled from campus, BUT we have voted to appeal this decision. We are going to need to put forth a lot of effort and hard work to make this work. As said yesterday, we are meeting tonight at the house at 7:30pm.

Alyssa Dugan typed a formal letter to the executive board asking for an appeal and hearing. It will be proofread and sent out by Monday. We have 14 days from yesterday to send this letter in and we are doing this as soon as possible.

Tonight we will be discussing ideas and reorganizing our chapter with a detailed and thorough action plan involving positive attributes, accomplishments, awards, recognition, leadership skills, and other academic, clubs, organization recognitions outside of Alpha Omicron Pi. Here is a list of what we are focusing on within the chapter. We need to come up with ways to improve and take action as well for the future and how we will meet these goals:
-Risk Management/Standards
-House Rules
-New Member Process

We are going to split up in our comimittees tonight I have attatched a list in case you do not know or forget and I will assign the Beta Zetas a committee tonight as well. I have also attatched the goals we had stated before this semester began.

If you have any questions/concerns/comments/ideas please bring them all to the meeting tonight we will be outlining our ideas on the chalk board in the living room.
Also if you would like to review the governing documents, bylaws, standards. Please use the officer library on the AOII website. I will provide a copy of these tonight to pass around and go through.

Thank you all and I will see you tonight.

1 comment:

Tau Lambda said...

Thank you for sharing all of these details with us. I was 2003 AOII grad. If there is anything I can do to help you guys out...petition, attending a meeting, etc, please do not hesitate to ask.

Jessica Snyder (Engle)