University officials are using $135,000 they set aside from the federal stimulus to pay for the work. The fountain was a gift of the class of 1896 when the university was called Cumberland Valley State Normal School.
The graduates of that class each donated $100, which is the equivalent of half their tuition and room and board, for the fountain. Each graduate's donation would be about $2,300 in 2012 dollars. Over the years, cracks and leaks were covered up with coats of paint, changing the cast iron fountain's original color and covering up the detailed work.
Crews with Robinson Iron of Alabama dismantled the fountain piece by piece. Each piece was assigned a number and will be taken to Alabama for restoration of the original paint and design.
The fountain was custom made by a New York company, which has gone out of business. Robinson Iron bought the original molds from that company. The fountain is the most photographed part of campus -- the site of wedding photos, alumni gatherings and school pranks -- and will be back for the May 5 commencement. A rededication ceremony is planned for June.
Do you have a photo(s) of you and friends taken in front of the Old Main Fountain? If yes, please send them! We are looking for wedding photos, reunion photos, & more taken of SHIP Alumni at the fountain. Photos may be used in a historical timeline display on campus, in a slideshow, or in a commemorative book. Electronic format prefered to alumni@ship.edu. Photos may be used in conjunction with the rededication of the fountain during Alumni Weekend.
You must own any photos you submit and by submitting the photos you give the university permission to use them in any medium for purposes of advertising, trade, display, academic or editorial use.
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