Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Letter from AOII International President

April 1,2010

Tau Lambda Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi
Tawny Eder, Chapter President
19 North Earl Street
Shippensburg, PA 17257-1203

Dear Sisters of Tau Lambda Chapter,

On behalf of the Executive Board and our International Headquarters Staff, it is my pleasure to send warmest regards to Tau Lambda Chapter on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of your installation as a collegiate chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. This is a special milestone, and we are delighted to share in your celebration.

Since your founding on September 15, 1984, Tau Lambda Chapter has initiated 553 women into the sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi. Our Ritual is the foundation of our collegiate and alumnae chapters and will certainly continue to be the shining light of Tau Lambda Chapter for many years to come.

Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary, and best wishes for continued success at Shippensburg University.


Barb Zipperian
International President

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Students' Relay for Life raises $36,000

Taken from Shippensburg University site:
More than 600 students and others turned out for Shippensburg University's student Relay for Life, raising $36,000 to help battle cancer and to support programs for cancer patients.

Megan Veazey, a senior biology/secondary education major from Easton, said this year's event "really came together," raising $6,000 more than last year despite the dip in the economy. "The people at Ship definitely came out for the event," she said. According to Veazey, the total amount raised won't be known until the end of August, since participants host other fundraisers over the summer.

Veazey first got involved with the event her freshman year, taking on more responsibility each year and was the chair of the whole event this year. "It's a 12-hour walk symbolizing 12 hours in the life of a cancer patient," she said. "It symbolizes the struggles they go through."

Veazey said this year's event included 59 teams of three to 30 members walking to raise money. The recent event ran from 6 p.m. Friday until 6 a.m. Saturday in the ShipRec Center.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thanks for the Memories

... and now, back to reality! Hope everyone had a safe trip home and recovered from a FUN weekend!

Hmmm... how can we recap:
Friday - beautiful day for a drive to Ship! That night, Black Horse Tavern was sereneded by "A-O-II" songs to officially start our party!... we enjoyed meeting some new friends and catching up with old ones... light apps in the "garden room", a few drinks, and stories were flying!!!! Pi girls were able to join us (those who weren't at Relay) and 'late night', Pizza Man tasted better than ever!

Saturday we participated in a touching ceremony and 3 of our founding sisters (TL, Lisa & Karen) were presented with their 25th Anniversary pins... lunch at the AOII house (which looks great, a fresh coat of paint on the walls - and some new (old) composites hanging in the house! thanks to Jody)... a quick trip to the bookstore (with a coupon, of course!) and a stop at Knute's Happy Hour proved Saturday a DAY OF FUN!

The Conference Center hosted "PI DINNER" and made it an evening to remember. We were touched by Linda's phenomenal video, Tawny read a congratulatory letter from our International President, Emilee filled us in on Greek Life at Ship, two founding sisters (sisters Deb & Karen) received a standing "O" and we honored the past CAs. Dean Bob's surprise "AOII Shippensburg 25 year" tees were awesome, and he asked the girls to wear them today, to mark today as the beginning of ANOTHER 25 years for AOII on campus!

We ditched the heels, re-grouped at Shippen Place, then climed aboard 'THE BUS' to visit Craig. He was glad to have a "Maxi's full of AOIIs" and later we made the pilgrimage to a crowded Wib's (Moms in the House!)... but all we wanted to do is dance! The "wheels on the bus" took some of us back to Orky's and we called it a night.

THANK YOU to everyone for coming together: Gayle Fitzpatrick, VP AOII - for making the trip to Ship... the banquet committee, The AOII sisters for their hospitality... Linda for the copies of the videos... Emilee for her ongoing support and Dean Bob for the great t-shirts... and Thank you to our TAU LAMBDA ALUMS!!!! . . . WE ROCK :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

... where would we be without LOVE

An active AOII would be one that lives out the gifts of Faith, Hope and Charity that we hold so dear. - Barbara Zipperian

Faith. When we think of our Faith in AOII, most of us recall our Initiation. We had the opportunity to renew our “Faith” this weekend as we participated in Ritual. Let’s take that Faith back 25 years. The Faith of Theresa Levenduski and 36 others, known as our founding sisters. They knew their task at hand, they pursued, and because of their Faith that they could create an organization with high standards and ideals, we have been brought together. Thank you to our “Faithful Founders” for joining us this weekend…: Deb Allen Wirth, Karen Allen Anthony, Lisa Ford Copenhaver, and Theresa Levenduski!

Hope. 25 years ago, a special group of women had Hope. A group of friends from Shippensburg talked about forming a sorority unlike the others. They decided that AOII met their standards. They succeeded during their ‘trial period’ and were given a charter, meaning they were recognized by our International group as well as by the campus. With that Hope, they knew they wanted their era to continue… they welcomed more additions to their group… they knew their union would be strong in years to come; there was Hope for a future. Our Hope for AOII is our current sisters. The past few years, the chapter has been working to improve many areas: they have been closely monitoring and improving their grades, they have increased membership and are one of the 3 largest sororities on campus, and their hope for next semester is to increase their philanthropic activities and fundraising efforts. We see Hope and a bright future for AOII… In light of recent events, they have a lot MORE to hope for! My response to the current sisters is a Hope they can put the past behind, but make certain to learn from mistakes made… and we'll ALL HOPE for another 25 YEARS!

… And the greatest of these… We know what Charity means; there are so many causes, quite honestly it’s hard to keep track! The Charity that is AOII is one that is often not recognized. It is the little things we do and how we fulfill the promises we made. There is one job in AOII that is probably the least recognized and demands a great deal of Charity. That is the position of Chapter Adviser. This alumnae is a liaison between our Inernational organization and the Chapter. (So now you understand the challenges!) We took the time to honor a few of our past Chapter Advisers who were with us this weekend.

As a collegiate, my generation was spoiled. Deb Allen Wirth served as our Adviser, and looking back we realize how well things ran. We were given directives from one of the “sources” (our founding sisters) and the result was a strong chapter, adhering to all of the expectations set by AOII as well as our predecessors. As well as Chapter Adviser, Deb was also an active member of the Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter for many years.

Heather Bigler Swartz later took on the task of Adviser. She was the Chapter President when I was initiated and I saw firsthand how Heather can be an exceptional leader and inspiration. Seeing Heather on campus, you wanted to BE an AOII. She has a true “team spirit” that is contagious, And a serious side that makes Ritual read by her something special. I am certain that she was a great match in this role.

Another personal note, the next Adviser was one of my pledge class sisters. Knowing her organization, attention to detail and ability to relate to others I have heard how much the chapter enjoyed their time with Beth Metzger Conrad. She is an active member of the Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter, and has given me a lot insight. I had never appreciated how much involvement is required of a good Chapter Adviser.

Karen Weigel, also a Harrisburg Alumnae, currently serves this position. I have the pleasure of working with Karen’s for the past 3 years and have seen some of the ‘behind the scenes’ within the organization. She volunteered to this group to fill in a gap, when the Chapter was going thru a difficult time of transition. She was there to help Tau Lambda get back on their feet. When you hear that AOII is for a lifetime and that we’re all in this together, this rings true since Karen has become a very important asset to Tau Lambda.

Thaank you to Karen, Deb, Heather and Beth... and all who served as one of our many Alumnae Advisers.

You have heard many alumnae remain active after graduation. Alumnae chapters can benefit in so many ways, one of which is to support the collegiate chapters. Our "partner" for Tau Lambda has always been the Harrisburg Alums. Over the years we have celebrated many Founder’s Days together, attended ceremonies, and they have offered constant support. We are proud to point out that the current Harrisburg Alumnae President is one of our own, Danette Gabner Swartley and we appreciate her and the other Harrisburg alums who were able to join in our celebration this past weekend.

Our ideals: Faith, Hope, and Charity… but where would we be without LOVE? I LOVE that we were able to celebrate 25 years! I LOVE being an AOII, meeting new friends, and the bonds we formed. I LOVE that Shippensburg is the type of place that, no matter how long you’ve been away, still has a sense of coming home. (Even if you don't recognize most of the campus!) And I LOVE that so many joined us for this milestone weekend!!! . . . For those who missed it, there's always next year...
Alpha Love,
Coleen Murphy Fickes

Saturday, April 24, 2010

AOII / SU Trivia

1. Who was the first new member of AOII, graduating in 1898?

2. What was the first sorority on Shippensburg’s campus?

3. At what college was AOII founded?

4. Who was the first president of Tau Lambda?

5. Which AOII founder was known as an educator and politician?

6. In 1939, Shippensburg University became the first of this type of college in Pennsylvania.

7. What is the official rose of AOII?

8. What is the sub motto of “Tau Lambda”?

9. What is AOII’s magazine and what does it mean?

10. The AOII Centennial Celebration was held at what hotel in
New York City in 1997?

11. What is the name of the Library on Shippensburg University campus?

12. Which AOII founder was known to write stories and poems?

13. What does the CUB stand for… and what was it’s old name?

14. What does “RT&J” stand for?

15. What is the official color of AOII? (not red!)

16. What does our badge spell?

17. The first “unofficial” AOII house was located on King Street above a business. It is now a furniture store; what type of business was it when AOII sisters rented Apartments A thru G?

18. Which AOII founder was the only to have children?

19. Where was the second AOII chapter founded?

20. Which AOII founder pioneered expanding AOII into Canada?

21. NPC was formed in 1902 and AOII was the 12th sorority to join in 1905. What does NPC stand for?

22. Over the years many “over 21” sisters have frequented Maxi’s. What is the owner’s name? Can you name any sisters who bartended there????

23. The current Fire Chief of Vigilant Hose Co #1 in Shippensburg has a connection to AOII. Why?

24. The panda is the official “mascot” of AOII. What is the local mascot that Tau Lambda recognizes?

25. The current sisters recently sent out a newsletter to all alums with a note asking us to brew a cup of tea, sit down and recall fond memories of our time as a Shippensburg AOII. What type of tea bag did they include?

1. Ann Richardson Hall
2. Alpha Sigma
3. Barnard College
4. Michele Little
5. Jessie Wallace Hughan
6. Teacher’s College
7. Jacqueminot
8. Trust & Loyalty
9. “To Dragma” – The Sheaf
10. Marriot Marquis
11. Ezra Lehman
12. Stella George Stern Perry
13. Ceddia Union Building (Cumerberland Union Building)
14. Rituals, Traditions & Jewelry Committee
15. Cardinal
16. L-O-V-E
17. Gym
18. Helen St. Clair Mullen
19. Sophie Newcomb College – New Orleans
20. Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
21. National Panhellenic Conference
22. Craig… Heather, Joellen, Carolyne
23. He was a past AOII SWEETHEART
24. Tiger
25. Red Rose

Friday, April 23, 2010

25 Years and we ROCKED them all!!!

A few reminders:
- don't forget your badge
- alumnae do not need to wear white to the ceremony; "badge attire": no jeans or sneakers
- we could use "sweet treats" or sides for the luncheon
- no alcohol should be brought into the AOII house
- dress or dress pants would be appropriate for dinner Saturday night (we have some special guests joining that evening)
- there will be a "shuttle" taking everyone to/from campus for the dinner and will run until 11:30 pm
- drive safely and we can't wait to see you!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


New Way of Living
For the 40th anniversary of Earth Day in 2010, the world is in greater peril than ever, but there is also unprecedented opportunity to build a new future. Earth Day has the power to bring about historic advances in climate policy, renewable energy and green jobs and catalyze millions who make personal commitments to sustainability - A Billion Acts of Green™ – mobilizing the power of people to create change by taking small steps in our homes, our schools and our businesses that add up to an enormous collective action.

Earth Day 40 is a pivotal opportunity for people, corporations, and governments to join together to create a global green economy. Our coordinated efforts now will be recognized by future generations as a turning point.

It’s a nearly unbelievable fact: Indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air. Toxins like radon, carbon monoxide, mold, and gasoline shuffled in on shoes are all culprits. But another guilty party? Yep, cleaning products. According to the Clean Water Fund, the average U.S. household uses 40 pounds each year of harmful cleaning products, which can cause allergies, headaches, and more.

Ironically, cleaning products aren’t required to disclose their ingredients, but those big, bold “danger”, “warning” and “caution” labels might say enough. To be safe, why not switch to a couple eco-friendly grime-busters this spring? Thanks to the boom in “green” living, there are now a number of great products on the market.

Check out "Oceans", the new Disney movie to hit theatres today!

Monday, April 19, 2010

An Irish Prayer

May God give you...
For every storm,
a rainbow,
For every tear,
a smile,
For every care,
a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh,
a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


ONE WEEK!!! So what do you need to know???

- The girls will be participating in the Relay For Life at the Ship Rec Center from 6 pm Friday to 6 am Saturday so if you get in to town early, be sure to stop by and cheer them on! And it's not too late to donate to their team, using the link above.

- University store will be open Friday 7:45 am - 4:30 pm and Saturday 10 am - 3 pm. They have agreed to provide us with 10% off coupons that can be used during these two days, you will receive when you check in to the hotel and we'll have them on hand at all events.

- DON'T FORGET YOUR BADGE! Dress code for the Saturday morning ceremony is 'badge attire' which means no jeans or sneakers. Alums do not need to wear all white :)

- SWEET TREATS: If anyone is willing we would appreciate items for Saturday's luncheon. We will be providing deli trays, chips and pretzels and beverages... but would appreciate desserts or other sides. OR you could just bring a treat for the girls at the house!

- Dress for Saturday's dinner is that of a "semi-formal"... dress pants or a dress would be appropriate.

- It's NOT too late... if you can join us, please be sure to let us know. We know plans change, things come up, and there are many last-minute decisions... We may even still have rooms available at Shippen Place!

- THANK YOU for your response, your donations, and all of your support... we have over 60 alums who will participating in our weekend activities!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Announcement on AOII website

Taken from AOII Website:
Congratulations NY/NJ Metro, Lambda Sigma and Tau Lambda!

The NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Chapter was installed on April 13, 1985 and will be celebrating their 25th anniversary on April 14th. A special engraved brick for the AOII Brick Walkway was purchased for the chapter by AOII Fraternity and Karen Galehan, AOII Vice President will be in attendance to present this gift.

On April 17th-18th, the sisters of Lambda Sigma will celebrate their 75th anniversary. The Lambda Sigma Chapter was installed at the University of Georgia on April 27, 1936. International President, Barb Zipperian, will be in attendance for a presentation to recognize the anniversary. An engraved brick for the AOII Brick Walkway was purchased for the chapter by AOII Fraternity to honor this event.

Tau Lambda Chapter at Shippensburg University will be celebrating their 25th anniversary on April 24, 2010. The chapter was installed on September 15, 1984. AOII Fraternity purchased engraved brick for the AOII Brick Walkway for the chapter in honor of this milestone. AOII Vice President, Gayle Fitzpatrick, will join the chapter for their celebration.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shippen Place Hotel

We would like to take a minute to thank our friends at Shippen Place for always being so accommodating... hopefully you reserved your room, because when we say "AOII will be IN THE HOUSE", well, we mean it! Our group booked 27 of the 57 rooms April 24th and the hotel is now SOLD OUT!

So if you were able to get a reservation at the hotel, here is a little bit about what to expect... and some fun facts about the location! If you haven't yet called, you may be able to get on a waiting list... or try to buddy-up!

Your stay at the hotel
Shippen Place offers free off-street parking, free high-speed Internet access, free local phone calls, complimentary continental breakfast buffet from 7 am - 10 am on weekends, room service is available, and hotel guests are allowed access to Shippensburg Fitness Center. Black Horse Tavern, a full service bar and restaurant, is located off the lobby in the hotel and will host our Friday night Meet-n-Greet from 7 pm - 9 pm.

A little history
The Shippen Place Hotel and Black Horse Restaurant and Lounge at 32 E. King St., have taken historical names for the business, and the land on which the building is located has an interesting part. Shippen Place comes from the land of Edward Shippen who settled and founded Shippensburg. The Black Horse takes its name from the Black Horse Tavern which was located at the present site of the Shippensburg Public Library.

The site
On the corner of Apple Alley and East King Street stood the Penn Mar Grocery Store, started in 1914 by John Long. In 1924, John Malamos bought the place and in 1925 opened the Sugar Bowl Confectionery. Shortly after World War II, the name was changed to the Sugar Bowl Restaurant. In 1975, Mowery's Tile Service took the place of the Sugar Bowl. Kyner's Hardware, at 38 E. King St., opened in January of 1976. Roth's Furniture Store was there from 1931 to 1975. The Roths had bought the furniture store from C. Bruce Berry, who owned it from 1914 to 1931. Heckman's Electrical Service was located at 36 E. King St. from 1971 until at least 1988. In the 1960s and 1970s, 34 E. King St. was owned by David and Dorothy Eagle, who ran a barber shop in the '70s. Jay Dee Department Store opened in 1970 at 30 and 32 E. King St., and was in operation until at least 1988. Before that, Kirssin's Department Store was in operation at that location for 60 years.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We are hoping to have a head count by the end of this week; so if you have not already done so, please send your RSVP:
$10 - Meet-n-Greet Friday Night
$5 - Happy Hour at Knute's Saturday
$45 - Red Rose Banquet
Make check payable to "Tau Lambda Alumnae" and mail to Coleen Fickes 1731 Middletown Road Glen Mills, PA 19342. You may also include any donation you wish to make to Relay for Life or to the chapter.
For additional information please refer to our earlier posts including back to our plans. We hope you can make it!!!