Yes, it's still 108 degrees in the shade but Fall is just around the corner and with it comes Lungstrong, a signature fundraising event for CSP. This Run/Walk 15K/5K supports lung cancer awareness and benefits LUNGevity Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to funding lung cancer research. LUNGevity Foundation is the pioneer in lung cancer research and is the leading private provider of research funding for the #1 cancer killer. Yes, it's gravely true, lung cancer is the leading cause of all cancer deaths in the U.S...more than breast, prostate, colorectal and pancreatic cancers COMBINED. Yet, it is the least funded cancer for research. Approximately 50% of the people diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked or are former smokers.
There are the startling statistics and then there are the individuals that comprise them, and when lung cancer claims one of your own you fight back with all you got. Such is the case with the Charlotte Smarty Pants family. In February 2008 (a mere 3 months after launching this site) lung cancer claimed the life of our beloved co-chief founder, Jen B., who never smoked a day in her life. This is the event we get behind in a Smarty big way in memory of her. It's so important to raise money for research so a cure can be found and not another life is lost to this unforgiving disease. For Jen B. and for others in our Smarty family. PLEASE consider joining OR DONATING to Team Charlotte Smarty Pants for Lungstrong 2009!!
Thank you all so much for posting this event for Jen's Charlotte Smarties! Team Charlotte Smarty Pants raised nearly $7,000 to fight lung cancer in Jen's memory. Wanted to share and extend our sincere gratitude for helping us raise awareness!
Thanks, Shippensburg girls! This was such an incredible event and we thought of Jen the entire time. You guys are the best!
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