I am proud to say that I am still a "Smarty reader" and am excited to pass along this great find... before you discard your holiday greeting cards, please read ahead: St. Jude's is accepting all used, all-occasion greeting cards from November 15, 2008 thru February 28, 2009. They turn these used cards into "new" cards for the coming season... The children participate in making the new recycled cards by removing the front and attaching a new back made with recycled paper. The new card is a beautiful, "green" card made by the children and volunteers. Their customers receive "green" holiday cards to use and the children receive payment for their work and learn the benefits and importance of "going green".
To Purchase: Cards are sold in packets of 10 for $8 and are available in Christmas, Easter, Birthaday, Thank You, and All Occasion. Orders may be placed by email, phone, or mail.
To Donate your used cards: (You may send them with or without the backs.) Mail to: St. Jude's Ranch for Children
Card Recycling Program
100 St. Jude's Street
Boulder City, NV 89005

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