Check out "The Slate" February 14, 2012: Student Spotlight on our own Tau Lambda President, Katie Troutman.
And continue to check in at for campus news.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
...and 2 more make an even 14!!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Relay Challenge

Many of us have a personal connection with this horrible disease. This past year we have lost a mother and one of our own is overcoming her battle. We all have some connection, losing someone close to us, help our loved ones in their fight, or possibly a victim ourselves.
To show that Tau Lambda has come out strong, we have began a Relay Challenge: All we are asking is $5.00 per alum!!!
Help us to honor the family members... the sisters... the survivors!
Our challenge: each alumnae contribute at least $5.00. Please log on to Relay for Life and find Alpha Omicron Pi to make your donation.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
PALs Wanted!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012
You are Always Wearing Your Letters
taken from T.J. Sullivan CAMPUSPEAK
Watch the video adaped by Delta Zeta: You Tube
You’re interested in joining our fraternity? We’d love to have you. You’re the type of person we look for: committed, enthusiastic, a leader. We think you’ll do great things here, and we hope that we’ll open some doors for you. You will make lifelong friendships, and hopefully, you’ll be the type of person whose positive impact will be felt here for many years.
This is the start of something really cool.
We know you have your reasons for joining, and we also know that the reasons you’ll stay will be entirely different. Trust us on that one. People tend to join for the image, the props, and the social stuff. They stay around for the friendships and because they find a place where they can impact the lives of others. It’s a family. We know this. Soon, you will, too.
Soon, these letters will be yours. But, there’s one lesson that we need to impress upon you before you sign your name on the dotted line, pay that first fee, and get that first t-shirt. It’s the single most important thing we’re going to ask of you, so you need to listen and understand it, now, before you say “yes.”
It’s the one most important thing that any fraternity or sorority can impress upon its new members. It’s the one lesson that every group must impress upon its newest members. Truly, our survival as an organization on this campus, and nationwide, depends on you understanding this one simple lesson and taking it to heart.
It’s more important than our history, our traditions, our structure, or our rules. Because, if you don’t understand this most fundamental lesson, then none of the other stuff will matter. If you don’t get this one “golden rule of fraternity,” then your son or daughter won’t have this kind of organization to join someday, and all of this will just be a fuzzy memory.
Here it is. Ready?
From the moment you say yes to this organization, you are always wearing your letters.
I’m going to repeat it.
From the moment you say yes to this organization, you are always wearing your letters.
We’re not talking about t-shirts, or sweatshirts, or hats made in the colors of the group. We’re not talking about a tattoo on your ankle, some party favor, or a badge you wear on your dress shirt.
What we mean is that when you say yes to lifetime membership in this group, everything you say, do and represent from that moment forward is a direct reflection on this group, your brothers, and the thousands of members who have come before you. Everything you put out to the world is a direct reflection of this fraternity. Every decision, every achievement, every mistake you make happens to all of us from this point forward.
When you go to the grocery store, you represent us. If you fall asleep in class or earn a weak grade, you represent us. When you drive down the road and slow down so a pedestrian can cross the street, you represent us.
When you turn 21 and hit the town, you represent us. When you become a leader of another campus organization, you represent us. When you insult someone or talk badly about another fraternity, you represent us. When you break up with someone and make decisions about how you behave during that difficult time, you represent us. When you go on Spring Break, you represent us.
When you go home and sit at your mother’s dining room table, you represent us. When you get a job and go to work for a company or organization, you represent us. When you commit your life to that special person, someday, you represent us.
You are always wearing your letters.
From this day forward, always. Every day, in every situation. They never come off.
As surely as if you tattooed these letters on your forehead. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing a jersey with our name on it, or a business suit at an interview. You have to assume that every person you meet will form a permanent opinion about fraternities – good or bad – based on how you interact with them. Every good thing you do builds us up. Every dumb thing you do tears us down.
We live in a time when the actions of one man or one woman can kill a group like ours. One person who acts in a way that is inconsistent with our shared values can end a hundred years of tradition and pride. One choice you make on a Friday night can take away everything that generations of men have worked to build.
All the stuff you see that belongs to us can be boxed up or thrown out, because of the choices you make.
If this seems a little intense, that’s good. Because it’s serious. If it sounds like too much responsibility, or if you don’t think you can behave in a way that reflects well on us at all times, then walk away now. Do us the favor. We won’t think less of you. In fact, we’ll thank you. This sort of commitment isn’t for everybody.
But, don’t say yes unless you understand.
We’re not asking you to give up anything. We aren’t asking you to become something you aren’t. We’re asking you to become something more. We’re inviting you to become part of a group of men who make a promise to take care of each other, every day. We’re asking you to become the very best version of you that you can be.
We’re asking you to take a leap of maturity and to go to that place where you’re the same, honorable, dignified person on Saturday night as you are on Tuesday morning.
It’s a big deal, and not everyone can do it. Forget everything you’ve heard up to this point. Forget how much you might desire this, or how much we might want to bring you into the group. Just clear your mind and ask yourself one question.
Are you ready to never take them off?
Because when you say yes, you’re not just putting letters on a sweatshirt. You’re putting them in your heart. You’re forever stamping your identity with them. Everything you are, from this point on, becomes who we are.
You will make mistakes, and brothers will remind you of your commitment. There will be times where you will see other brothers forgetting their promise, and you’ll need to remind them. That’s part of this whole “fraternity” thing. We work together to make ourselves better men who stand for something. We carry each other. We matter to one another.
If we’re doing fraternity right, then we’ll make you a better man. If you’re doing everything right, then you will make us a better organization. So, please think about it. Take it seriously. Because if you say yes, these letters belong to you as surely as they belonged to our founders. If you say yes, these letters become your responsibility forever.
That’s the promise
Watch the video adaped by Delta Zeta: You Tube
You’re interested in joining our fraternity? We’d love to have you. You’re the type of person we look for: committed, enthusiastic, a leader. We think you’ll do great things here, and we hope that we’ll open some doors for you. You will make lifelong friendships, and hopefully, you’ll be the type of person whose positive impact will be felt here for many years.
This is the start of something really cool.
We know you have your reasons for joining, and we also know that the reasons you’ll stay will be entirely different. Trust us on that one. People tend to join for the image, the props, and the social stuff. They stay around for the friendships and because they find a place where they can impact the lives of others. It’s a family. We know this. Soon, you will, too.
Soon, these letters will be yours. But, there’s one lesson that we need to impress upon you before you sign your name on the dotted line, pay that first fee, and get that first t-shirt. It’s the single most important thing we’re going to ask of you, so you need to listen and understand it, now, before you say “yes.”
It’s the one most important thing that any fraternity or sorority can impress upon its new members. It’s the one lesson that every group must impress upon its newest members. Truly, our survival as an organization on this campus, and nationwide, depends on you understanding this one simple lesson and taking it to heart.
It’s more important than our history, our traditions, our structure, or our rules. Because, if you don’t understand this most fundamental lesson, then none of the other stuff will matter. If you don’t get this one “golden rule of fraternity,” then your son or daughter won’t have this kind of organization to join someday, and all of this will just be a fuzzy memory.
Here it is. Ready?
From the moment you say yes to this organization, you are always wearing your letters.
I’m going to repeat it.
From the moment you say yes to this organization, you are always wearing your letters.
We’re not talking about t-shirts, or sweatshirts, or hats made in the colors of the group. We’re not talking about a tattoo on your ankle, some party favor, or a badge you wear on your dress shirt.
What we mean is that when you say yes to lifetime membership in this group, everything you say, do and represent from that moment forward is a direct reflection on this group, your brothers, and the thousands of members who have come before you. Everything you put out to the world is a direct reflection of this fraternity. Every decision, every achievement, every mistake you make happens to all of us from this point forward.
When you go to the grocery store, you represent us. If you fall asleep in class or earn a weak grade, you represent us. When you drive down the road and slow down so a pedestrian can cross the street, you represent us.
When you turn 21 and hit the town, you represent us. When you become a leader of another campus organization, you represent us. When you insult someone or talk badly about another fraternity, you represent us. When you break up with someone and make decisions about how you behave during that difficult time, you represent us. When you go on Spring Break, you represent us.
When you go home and sit at your mother’s dining room table, you represent us. When you get a job and go to work for a company or organization, you represent us. When you commit your life to that special person, someday, you represent us.
You are always wearing your letters.
From this day forward, always. Every day, in every situation. They never come off.
As surely as if you tattooed these letters on your forehead. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing a jersey with our name on it, or a business suit at an interview. You have to assume that every person you meet will form a permanent opinion about fraternities – good or bad – based on how you interact with them. Every good thing you do builds us up. Every dumb thing you do tears us down.
We live in a time when the actions of one man or one woman can kill a group like ours. One person who acts in a way that is inconsistent with our shared values can end a hundred years of tradition and pride. One choice you make on a Friday night can take away everything that generations of men have worked to build.
All the stuff you see that belongs to us can be boxed up or thrown out, because of the choices you make.
If this seems a little intense, that’s good. Because it’s serious. If it sounds like too much responsibility, or if you don’t think you can behave in a way that reflects well on us at all times, then walk away now. Do us the favor. We won’t think less of you. In fact, we’ll thank you. This sort of commitment isn’t for everybody.
But, don’t say yes unless you understand.
We’re not asking you to give up anything. We aren’t asking you to become something you aren’t. We’re asking you to become something more. We’re inviting you to become part of a group of men who make a promise to take care of each other, every day. We’re asking you to become the very best version of you that you can be.
We’re asking you to take a leap of maturity and to go to that place where you’re the same, honorable, dignified person on Saturday night as you are on Tuesday morning.
It’s a big deal, and not everyone can do it. Forget everything you’ve heard up to this point. Forget how much you might desire this, or how much we might want to bring you into the group. Just clear your mind and ask yourself one question.
Are you ready to never take them off?
Because when you say yes, you’re not just putting letters on a sweatshirt. You’re putting them in your heart. You’re forever stamping your identity with them. Everything you are, from this point on, becomes who we are.
You will make mistakes, and brothers will remind you of your commitment. There will be times where you will see other brothers forgetting their promise, and you’ll need to remind them. That’s part of this whole “fraternity” thing. We work together to make ourselves better men who stand for something. We carry each other. We matter to one another.
If we’re doing fraternity right, then we’ll make you a better man. If you’re doing everything right, then you will make us a better organization. So, please think about it. Take it seriously. Because if you say yes, these letters belong to you as surely as they belonged to our founders. If you say yes, these letters become your responsibility forever.
That’s the promise
Saturday, February 18, 2012
12 New Members

Congratulations to our newest additions, we are excited to welcome you into our sisterhood!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Checking in

facebook: Alpha Omicron Pi, Tau Lambda Chapter, Shippensburg University
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Greek Prints by Lilly Pulitzer

Thursday, February 9, 2012
update from SU President regarding Plan B
This past week you may have seen Shippensburg "IN THE NEWS"... To read more from President Ruud, click here: Statement of Plan B
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Relay for Life 2012

2012 Relay For Life of Shippensburg University, PA
Date: Friday, April 20, 2012
Time: 05:00pm
Location: Shippensburg Recreation Center
No matter who you are, there's a place for you at Relay. Each dollar you raise will help save lives. How far will you go to make a difference in the fight against cancer?
Your reasons for walking in the Relay For Life are as unique and special as the story that motivates you. This is your opportunity to not only honor cancer survivors and remember people we have lost, but also to raise funds and awareness to help save lives. Because of your support, we are creating a world where cancer can't claim another year of anyone's life. You are helping create a world with less cancer and more birthdays!
Opening Ceremony
Friday, April 20, 2012 6:00PM
Survivor/Caregiver Ceremony
Friday, April 20, 2012 6:00PM
Luminaria Ceremony
Friday, April 20, 2012 9:00PM
Fight Back Ceremony
Saturday, April 21, 2012 Time TBD
Closing Ceremony
Saturday, April 21, 2012 4:30AM
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
SU Alum Assoc Upcoming Events

SHIP Night @ Brownies 23 East, Ardmore
Bring yourself & friends to join fellow alumni @ Brownies 23 East! We'll be flying the SHIP flag in the 2nd Floor VIP Lounge, so stop in between 9pm - midnight to join the party and check out a top live local band! Proprietor and host, Delta Zeta alumna Tina Hillen Verrelli '90, will arrange a wonderful lite buffet with an open bar of beer, wine, and soda (liquor is a minimal upcharge). A $15 cover will be collected at the door and our SHIP group will receive wristbands for the evening. We'll be handing out door prizes and goodies as well. So stop in and stay a little or awhile and go home with some SHIP stuff.
More Information
Date: Saturday, February 25
Time: 9:00 PM - Midnight
Overnight Accomodations Needed? Brownies has secured a block of rooms at the Radnor Hotel for $99/night. Book by phone at 610-688-5800 by Feb. 14 to receive this rate.
76ers Basketball vs Orlando Magic
Philadelphia 76ers host the Orlando Magic on Saturday, April 7, and SHIP has tickets. Join us! Tickets are $39 for lower level corners in sections 121 and 122. Tickets are limited for this game, so when they are gone, they are gone. Reserve your tixs today.
More Information
Date: Saturday, April 7
Game Time: 8:00 PM
Volunteer Day at Cradles to Crayons, The Giving Factory, Conshohocken
Please provide your time and join fellow Ship Alumni along with your friends and family at this volunteer service project. What we will do: Groups are separated into a clothing section, books section, and toys section. We will check donated items for quality, making sure clothing is not torn or dirty and that toys work. We will sort the items by age and package the items to be given away.
More Information
Date: Saturday, April 14
Time: 10:00 AM - 12 NOON
Visit SU Alum Association for a full calendar of events.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Hug-Your-Girlfriend Day
Taken from Charlotte Smarty Pants:
Happy Smarty-Hug-Your-Girlfriends Day!
Today is a very special day for our Smarty family. It is bittersweet in that four years ago we lost our Jen B. But it is also the day that we have decided instead of mourning, we will rejoice and celebrate the friendships we have. We will celebrate all that was amazing about Jen and the thing we loved the most, her friendship.
This week, the power of our girlfriends has been brought back into focus as a member of our Smarty team has been dealing with a health crisis. From the moment word got out, she has had support, meals, encouraging words, hugs, prayers and love. I have watched this and said to myself what an awesome group of friends she has and then I realized, not just an awesome group of friends, but what an incredible woman. Her friends are a reflection of who she is.
She has been there to laugh, cry and support those she calls “girlfriend.” She is a model for us, much like Jen B was. My college motto was “Not to be served, but to serve”, I think this applies to the way we view our friends. Not to receive but to give. As we go into today and all the days to come, be the friend who gives the hug, picks up the phone, sends the text, brings the meal, is the shoulder to cry on and shares in the laughter. I guarantee you will be more fulfilled and when the day comes that you need the support it will be there.
Thank you to all of our Smarty friends. We are sending hugs to all of you because your support is what keeps us going in this crazy little thing we call Charlotte Smarty Pants.
For all of those AOII's who remember Jen B (or Lisman) as we remember her... if you have any thoughts or memories, please share...
Happy Smarty-Hug-Your-Girlfriends Day!
Today is a very special day for our Smarty family. It is bittersweet in that four years ago we lost our Jen B. But it is also the day that we have decided instead of mourning, we will rejoice and celebrate the friendships we have. We will celebrate all that was amazing about Jen and the thing we loved the most, her friendship.
This week, the power of our girlfriends has been brought back into focus as a member of our Smarty team has been dealing with a health crisis. From the moment word got out, she has had support, meals, encouraging words, hugs, prayers and love. I have watched this and said to myself what an awesome group of friends she has and then I realized, not just an awesome group of friends, but what an incredible woman. Her friends are a reflection of who she is.
She has been there to laugh, cry and support those she calls “girlfriend.” She is a model for us, much like Jen B was. My college motto was “Not to be served, but to serve”, I think this applies to the way we view our friends. Not to receive but to give. As we go into today and all the days to come, be the friend who gives the hug, picks up the phone, sends the text, brings the meal, is the shoulder to cry on and shares in the laughter. I guarantee you will be more fulfilled and when the day comes that you need the support it will be there.
Thank you to all of our Smarty friends. We are sending hugs to all of you because your support is what keeps us going in this crazy little thing we call Charlotte Smarty Pants.
For all of those AOII's who remember Jen B (or Lisman) as we remember her... if you have any thoughts or memories, please share...
Friday, February 3, 2012
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