Friday, April 29, 2011

Hearing Continues

Due to technical difficulties, the panel was unable to speak to everyone on the agenda. They had asked about 5 participants to be available Sunday night to continue the appeal hearing.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hearing Tonight

The hearing will be held tonight. Since this procss is new to most of us, here is how it will work: there is a panel of three members who have agreed to the day, time and location of the hearing (this one via conference call). One person on the panel was nominated by the Chapter, and AOII has appointed the other two. The hearing will begin at 8pm.

The notice for the call was sent to the Chapter and members of the AAC, anyone wishing to be heard has been added to the agenda. We also reached out to a few others who have agreed to speak on behalf of the Chapter. Although we cannot name individuals, the panel will hear from about 25 participants. Each participant will be called, introduced, and will have 3 minutes to make a statement. After their comments, the participant will be asked to drop the call, as all remarks will remain confidential. The only individuals on the call are one faciliataor and the three panel members. The panel will have seven days to render a decision.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Password Disabled

At this time we have decided to turn off the password protection. Moving forward if we use this for further communication that should only be viewed between Tau Lambda, we may chose again to protect. But for now we're hoping this will just make it easier for you to quickly continue to check in...

Thursday, April 14, 2011


And let your best be your friend.
If he must know the ebb of your tide,
let him know it's flood also.
For what is your friend taht you should
seek him with hours to kill?
For it is his to fill your need,
but not your emptiness.
And in the sweetness of friendship
let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures
For in the dew of little things the
heart finds its morning and is refreshed...

K. Gibran

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weekly Update

Unfortunately, we do not have much to report at this time... but wanted to let you know where we stand.

The Alumnae Induction scheduled for this Saturday with the Harrisburg Alumnae has been cancelled. The chapter has been advised that during the appeal, the sisters are unable to participate.

The chapter had also made arrangements to volunteer at the Kitchen Kettle in Shippensburg; however they were not needed last night, they are hoping to make this an ongoing offer.

Tau Lambda has appointed one person to represent us on the 'board'. We are waiting to hear from AOII Nationals the two people they have decided on. At that point, we will have a 'point person' we can communicate thru. We are also waiting to hear from HQ our request of a detail of the charges we are faced.

We hope that next week we can proceed and determine more of our plan.
Thanks for checking in!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Back on Track

Yesterday the chapter held a meeting with members of the AAC. Six members (Karen, Heather, Sheila, Jen, Christi and Coleen) were in attendance and Karen Wenner was conferenced in. After introductions, we asked the girls to all share their concerns/ideas helping us to move forward in our task of getting back our charter. It was an informative, productive and much needed gathering.

The chapter will be volunteering at the Kitchen Kettle Tuesday evening in Shippensburg and has organized a canned food drive. They will deliver the canned food donations tomorrow night.

Saturday they wil be attending the Alumnae Induction hosted by the Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter, all alums are welcome to attend.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Once a Raider, Always a Red Raider

This weekend the football team held their annual Spring Game. This was the first game for Mark "Mac" Maciejewski as new Head Coach. Also in attendance was NFL player Brent Grimes. Video

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Alumnae Induction with Harrisburg Alums

Please join us...
Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter will be hosting Tau Lambda:
Saturday April 16th at 3pm
Leap Research, Jaycee Avenue Harrisburg PA

We would really appreciate any alumnae attendance!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Little Princess Playhouse at SU

The Little Princess Playhouse at Shippensburg University returns from another successful season with a spring double feature on campus.

The playhouse, sponsored by the university’s Department of Music and Theatre Arts, will opens its 2011 spring season with a fairy tale double-feature of both “Cinderella” and “The Dancing Princesses” at 10 a.m. and again at 11:15 a.m. April 9 and April 16.

Admission is $3 and tickets are available at the door. Visitors are reminded that seating is limited. Parking is free and visitors should park in the Memorial Auditorium lot and walk to Stewart Hall.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Weekly Update

Good Morning,
Here is where we are: the chapter sent the petition and letters to AOII In'tl this past week. They also submitted a proposal of activities they wish to participate over the next few weeks.

Tuesday April 11th - 5pm - 6:30pm volunteer at SOUP KITCHEN in Shippensburg

Saturday April 17th - 3pm Ritual and Alumnae Induction Ceremony with Harrisburg Alumnae The event will be held in Camp Hill, and we will keep you posted on the final details but please mark your calendar, we could really use alumnae support here!

Saturday April 24th - 5K Run for Haiti @ Shippensburg The chapter has offered to help organizer Heather Swartz with the event, the start and finish line is on campus.

They also hope to continue weekly meetings and will be holding one this Sunday afternoon. Many members of the AAC will be present.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mark Your Calendars!

from Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter:
Mark your calendars!

We have a late request from the AAC & Members of Tau Lambda Chapter to get together next Saturday, April 16. This will replace our mini-golf tournament end of the month.

They have asked the alumnae chapter to do the ritual for alumnae status.

Location and time are not firm yet. Plan on approximately 3pm in the Camp Hill area.

We are asking that alumnae bring snacks (cookies, crackers, cheese, dip, fruit, chips, etc.).

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Senior Spotlight

In my recent (unfortunate) visit to Ship, I picked up The Slate and was glad to see a familiar face... thought I'd share:

Taken from The SLATE
Published: 03/22/2011
By: Melissa Mumaw

Senior Spotlight: Morgan Smedley
With graduation around the corner, seniors are finishing up the semester with last minute projects and enjoying their final months at Shippensburg.

Morgan Smedley is a senior at Shippensburg University who not only has her class load, but works at Volvo Construction company, is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and is the secretary for Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Smedley is majoring in management with a concentration in Human Resources, and has been working at Volvo for the past nine months, along with all of her other extracurricular activities.

Smedley is very driven when it comes to work and she takes it very seriously. Some of her duties at Volvo include setting up interviews, interviewing with supervisors, helping with company events, assisting with employee orientation, keeping track of people when they need salary increases and making personnel files. She does a lot for the company and has had to do many different tasks giving her experience in her field.

“I feel that working at Volvo has really prepared me for the real world after graduation. I have learned a lot working there and have grown as a person,” Smedley said.

With everything that Smedley has been involved in, she was able to become more responsible and manage her time. She is applying for jobs now and hopes to live somewhere in Philadelphia. With her experience and determination she is sure to become a successful woman.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

help with hand and heart

Are you an active member
The kind who would be missed,
Or are you just content that
Your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings
And mingle with the flock,
Or do you stay away
And criticize and knock?
Do you take an active part
To help the work along,
Or are you satisfied to be
The kind who "just belongs"?

Do you ever work on committees
To see there is no trick,
Or leave the work to just a few
And talk about the clique?
So come to meetings often,
And help with hand and heart;
Don't be just a member
But take an active part!
Think this over, sister,
You know right from wrong.
Are you an active member,
Or do you just belong?

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's FRIDAY...

Good Morning, not much new to report... last call for your letters, if you haven't already sent them in, the chapter will be gathering them tomorrow and will send out a very large package on Monday.

Another quick note regarding some questions that have been flying around... the chapter has secured all our belongings at the house. At this time we wish to keep everything in tact until we hear the outcome of the appeal. (It's not over yet!!!) They are conscious that there are many sentimental items in the house.

The AAC will be holding another conference call Monday night so we will keep you posted.