Taken from Charlotte Smarty Pants By Jen Plym:Three years ago this morning, I received a phone call that would forever change my life, in good ways and in ways that rip your heart to shreds. I remember the call as if it was just yesterday, although it feels like 10 years have flown by. I lost my best friend, my business partner, my go-to mom friend, my go-to work friend, my oh-my-god-you-have-to-hear-what-just-happened-to-me friend. Sometimes I still find myself picking up the phone to call her and then quickly realizing that she won't ever answer. That awful day was February 4, 2008. It was a sad and tragic day. But it was also a day that brought me profound inspiration for this crazy little thing called Charlotte Smarty Pants. This sassy little dose of pink & green will always be in honor of my incredible friend, Jennifer Lisman Bunich. Someone who will forever shine through in every daily post.
So on this 4th day of February, we at CSP name this Smarty Hug Your Girlfriends Day! It's a day to shout out to your besties and tell them you love them! It's a day to schedule your mani/pedi or lunch date or movie date or shopping spree with your favorite gal pals. Don't hesitate, Smarties - you deserve a break and who better to enjoy it with than your girlfriends?!
In closing, here is a little tune that will make you smile. It's the one song that will forever remind me of Jen. It was one of her all-time faves. I make a birthday cd for all four of my children's birthday party favors every year. And with every new Plym Birthday Jamz playlist, I end it with a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I think of it as Jen's birthday present to my kids. I hope you enjoy it!